Traditional Medicine


Initial Consultation - $110
Follow-Up Consultations: One Hour - $90 / Half Hour - $60

Naturopathy is a practice of preventing, assessing, and treating conditions of the human mind and body. By integrating conventional health sciences with a range of natural therapies and traditional medicines, naturopathy treats the patient’s mental, emotional and physical states for a lasting effect.

The foundation of Naturopathy is the philosophy of the “healing power of nature”. This means that the body has its own healing energy within, and with the help of naturopathic treatment, the body can repair itself and recover from illness if it is in a healthy and supportive environment.





Initial Consultation - $110
Follow-Up Consultations: One Hour - $90 / Half Hour - $60

Derived from two words meaning ‘similar’ (homoeo) and ‘suffering’ (pathos), homoeopathy is a healing modality developed in the late 1700s by a German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann. Medicines are selected according to the law of nature – the law of ‘similars’. The most carefully selected medicines are a perfect solution to weakened organisms or especially sensitive people, children and the elderly.





Initial Consultation - $110
Follow-Up Consultations: One Hour - $90 / Half Hour - $60

Herbal Medicine is still the first choice in many cultures, having been successfully used for thousands of years. Herbalists prepare unique treatments, after consultations with clients that will include discussions about lifestyle, medical history and nutrition. Clients may be treated through the use of teas, capsules and tablets, extracts and tinctures, essential oils (Aromatherapy), and various other herbal preparations.





1 Hour - $100 / 1½ Hours - $140

Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted into the skin at specific points along specific meridians (lines of internal energy), to assist with the treatment and alleviation of various health conditions. Acupuncture is also traditionally closely related to the practices of moxibustion and cupping.





1 Hour - $100 / 1½ Hours - $140

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called 'moxa' are burned very near the surface of the skin, with the intention of warming and invigorating the flow of energy within in the body, and to dispel certain influences that may affect well-being. Like cupping, moxibustion is traditionally closely related to the practice of acupuncture.





1 Hour - $100 / 1½ Hours - $140

Cupping therapy involves heated glass cups, which are applied to the skin along the meridians (lines of internal energy) of the body, creating suction to stimulate the flow of energy at specific points. Like moxibustion, cupping is traditionally closely related to acupuncture.